Stay Away from Paytm share price?

Is it right time to buy Paytm Share?

Let us discuss that

Paytm Share Price is falling

Paytm share price is like a falling knife. do not touch that

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What happend

Multiple legal cases are opened against Paytm Payment bank

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RBI barred Paytm to operate till the ED report comes out

ED is likely to share the report by 29th February, 2024

Paytm Share Price

Paytm Share price has already fallen over 60% from its recent high of 758

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Paytm Share price has fallen from its all time high of 1955

The share has falling since its stock market debut

Why Paytm Share Price is Falling

Large customer exodus, reduction in revenue and losses accumulating new customers

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Macquarie has slashed target price (TP) for One97 Communications (Paytm) shares by more than 50% to Rs 275 apiece

Why Paytm Share Price is Falling

The revenue expectation is down further to Rs 3,424 crore loss in FY25 from an expected loss of Rs 1,742 crore in FY24.

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RBI barred its Payments Bank from taking new or top-up deposits in any customer accounts, prepaid instruments, wallets, FASTags, NCMC cards, etc. after February 29, 2024, due to non-compliance.

Why Paytm Share Price is Falling

Some lending partners are re-looking their relationship with Paytm. 

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In case of partners scale down or terminate their business with Paytm, that could lead to a fall in lending business revenues.

What next

It is advisable to stay away from Paytm Share

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Donot even average this share as this is a falling knife will hurt you

If possible sell it and move on

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